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Post à pourvoir aviation au Vietnam

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    • #11371

      Bonjour à tous,

      Je m’appel Maxime j’ai 23 ans , j’habite en Belgique.

      Je suis actuellement en formation pour devenir pilote de ligne, il me reste 6 petits mois pour avoir terminé …

      Ayant toujours été passionné par le Vietnam, j’aimerai bien y exercer mon métier ! D’autant plus que le trafic aérien ne fait qu’augmenter en Asie et que les licences d’aviation européenne y sont prisées …

      Alors voilà, si quelqu´un a des conseils à me donner ou même me mettre en contact avec des personnes du milieu ça serait vraiment sympa !

      Merci d’avance ! :jap:


    • #155974

      @Maxouh 155448 wrote:

      Bonjour à tous,

      Je m’appel Maxime j’ai 23 ans , j’habite en Belgique.

      Je suis actuellement en formation pour devenir pilote de ligne, il me reste 6 petits mois pour avoir terminé …

      Ayant toujours été passionné par le Vietnam, j’aimerai bien y exercer mon métier ! D’autant plus que le trafic aérien ne fait qu’augmenter en Asie et que les licences d’aviation européenne y sont prisées …

      Alors voilà, si quelqu´un a des conseils à me donner ou même me mettre en contact avec des personnes du milieu ça serait vraiment sympa !

      Merci d’avance ! :jap:


      Bonjour,vous pouvez voir les informations ci-dessous pour le recruitement de Vietnam Airline qui est une plus grand aviation au VN.

      « Vietnam Airlines – Welcome to the largest job search web of VNA. Vietnam Airlines is one of the largest leading airline firms in the region in terms of high-quality services and business efficiency. In recent years, VNA has incessantly not only developed its current network but also continued to expand and add many new international and domestic flights.

      In the future, we would be looking for skilled pilots who would like to work for VNA all over the world with many attractive opportunities and the best working conditions such as a proactive and friendly environment, flexible working patterns, new aircrafts as well as numerous benefits.

      • B777 First Officer
      • A330 First Officer
      • A320/321 Captain, TRI & First Officer
      • ATR72 Captain, TRI & First Officer

      • Fokker 70 TRI

      Flight Crew Data Summary
      Position: B777 First Officer
      Company: Flight crew Division 919 – Vietnam Airlines Corp.
      Location: Vietnam
      Base: Hochi Minh city & Hanoi city
      Start: Immediately

      Network: Asia, Australia, European

      Last B777 Sim Check less than 6 months
      Total time: 3,000 hrs
      Total command jet time: 2,000 hrs
      Total B777 PIC time: 1,000 hrs

      Under 55

      • Excellent contract terms and conditions. Long term contract (5 years), to be upgraded / converted after working for VNA for at least 3 years
      • Flexible working pattern with a period of 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off; with tickets for days off anywhere on the Vietnam Airlines network

      • Many tickets on VNA network for crew members and 4 weeks on – 4 weeks off for qualifying family members.

      Please contact [email protected] or [email protected]
      Phone: 084 38723837 Fax: 084 38733061

      Website: Vietnam Airline Portal

      Your online registration details indicate that you may meet the initial selection criteria for the following contract: B777 First Officer
      For an outline of the assignment terms, please find the online attachment. If you are interested in this assignment, please send the requested documentation to the Consultant who was mentioned in the attachment (by email or fax) for review.

      We look forward to hearing from you and having a more detailed discussion.

      Flight Crew Division 919 – Vietnam Airlines
      121 Nguyen Son St., Long Bien Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
      Phone: 84 8723837
      Fax: 84 8733061

      Website: Vietnam Airline Portal

      Position: A330 First Officer
      Company: Flight crew Division 919 – Vietnam Airlines Corp.
      Location: Vietnam
      Base: Hochiminh city & Hanoi city
      Start: Immediately

      Network: Asia region

      Last A330 Sim Check less than 6 months
      Total time: 2,500 hrs
      Total command jet time: 1,500 hrs
      Total A330 PIC time: 1,000 hrs

      Age: Under 55

      • Excellent contract terms and conditions. Long term contract (5 years), to be upgraded / converted after working for VNA for at least 3 years.
      • Flexible working pattern with a period of 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off; with tickets for days off anywhere on the Vietnam Airlines network.

      • Many tickets on VNA network for crew members and 4 weeks on – 4 weeks off for qualifying family members.

      Please contact [email protected] or [email protected]
      Phone: 084 38723837 Fax: 084 38733061

      Website: Vietnam Airline Portal

      Your online registration details indicate that you may meet the initial selection criteria for the following contract: A330 First Officer
      For an outline of the assignment terms, please find the online attachment. If you are interested in this assignment, please send the requested documentation to the Consultant who was mentioned in the attachment (by email or fax) for review.

      We look forward to hearing from you and having a more detailed discussion.

      Flight Crew Division 919 – Vietnam Airlines
      121 Nguyen Son St., Long Bien Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
      Phone: 84 38723837
      Fax: 84 38733061

      Website: Vietnam Airline Portal

      1. A320/321 Captain & TRI
      Last A320 Sim Check less than 6 months
      Total time: 5,000 hrs
      Total Command jet time: 3,000 hrs
      Total A320 PIC time: 1,000 hrs

      Under 55

      2. A320/321 First Officer
      Last A320 Sim Check less than 6 months
      Total time: 2,000 hrs
      Total Command jet time: 1,500 hrs
      Total A320 PIC time: 1,000 hrs

      Under 55

      Company: Flight crew Division 919 – Vietnam Airlines Corp.
      Location: Vietnam
      Base: Hochiminh city & Hanoi city
      Start: Immediately

      Network: Asia region

      • Excellent contract terms and conditions. Long term contract (5 years), to be upgraded / converted after working for VNA for at least 3 years.
      • Flexible working pattern with a period of 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off; with tickets for days off anywhere on the Vietnam Airlines network.

      • Many tickets on VNA network for crew members and 4 weeks on – 4 weeks off for qualifying family members.

      Please contact [email protected] or [email protected]
      Phone: 084 38723837 Fax: 084 38733061

      Website: Vietnam Airline Portal

      Your online registration details indicate that you may meet the initial selection criteria for the following contract: A320 Captain, TRI, First Officer. For an outline of the assignment terms, please find the online attachment. If you are interested in this assignment, please send the requested documentation to the Consultant who was mentioned in the attachment (by email or fax) for review.
      We look forward to hearing from you and having a more detailed discussion.

      Flight Crew Division 919 – Vietnam Airlines
      121 Nguyen Son Str., Long Bien Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
      Phone: 84 38723837
      Fax: 84 38733061

      Website: Vietnam Airline Portal

      1. ATR72 Captain & TRI
      Last ATR72 Sim Check less than 6 months
      Total time: 4,000 hrs
      Total ATR72 PIC time: 1,000 hrs

      Under 55

      2. ATR72 First Officer
      Last ATR72 Sim Check less than 6 months
      Total time: 2,000 hrs
      Total ATR72 PIC time: 500 hrs

      Under 55

      Company: Flight crew Division 919 – Vietnam Airlines Corp.
      Location: Vietnam
      Base: Hochiminh city & Hanoi city
      Start: Immediately

      Network: Asia region

      • Excellent contract terms and conditions. Long term contract (5 years), to be upgraded / converted after working for VNA for at least 3 years.
      • Flexible working pattern with a period of 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off; with tickets for days off anywhere on the Vietnam Airlines network.

      • Many tickets on VNA network for crew members and 4 weeks on – 4 weeks off for qualifying family members.

      Please contact [email protected] or [email protected]
      Phone: 084 38723837 Fax: 084 38733061

      Website: Vietnam Airline Portal

      Your online registration details indicate that you may meet the initial selection criteria for the following contract: ATR72 Captain, TRI, First Officer. For an outline of the assignment terms, please find the online attachment. If you are interested in this assignment, please send the requested documentation to the Consultant who was mentioned in the attachment (by email or fax) for review.

      We look forward to hearing from you and having a more detailed discussion.

      Flight Crew Division 919 – Vietnam Airlines
      121 Nguyen Son Str., Long Bien Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
      Phone: 84 38723837
      Fax: 84 38733061

      Website: Vietnam Airline Portal

      Position: Fokker 70 TRI
      Company: Flight crew Division 919 – Vietnam Airlines Corp.
      Location: Vietnam
      Base: Hochiminh city & Hanoi city
      Start: Immediately

      Network: Asia region

      Last Fokker 70 Sim Check less than 6 months
      Total time: 4,000 hrs
      Total Command jet time” 2,000 hrs
      Total Fokker PIC time: 1,000 hrs

      Under 55

      • Excellent contract terms and conditions. Long term contract (5 years), to be upgraded / converted after working for VNA for at least 3 years.
      • Flexible working pattern with a period of 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off; with tickets for days off anywhere on the Vietnam Airlines network.

      • Many tickets on VNA network for crew members and 4 weeks on – 4 weeks off for qualifying family members.

      Please contact [email protected] or [email protected]
      Phone: 084 38723837 Fax: 084 38733061

      Website: Vietnam Airline Portal

      Your online registration details indicate that you may meet the initial selection criteria for the following contract: Fokker 70 TRI
      For an outline of the assignment terms, please find the online attachment. If you are interested in this assignment, please send the requested documentation to the Consultant who was mentioned in the attachment (by email or fax) for review.

      We look forward to hearing from you and having a more detailed discussion.

      Flight Crew Division 919 – Vietnam Airlines
      121 Nguyen Son Str., Long Bien Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
      Phone: 84 38723837
      Fax: 84 38733061
      Website: Vietnam Airline Portal

      Bonne chance et bon courage à vous

      +84 908 066698

    • #157320


        J’ai contacté Vietnam airlines, plusieurs fois et c’est vraiment vraiment la misère…ils me balladent de personne en personne.

        Je suis jeune pilote, et j’ai ma licence vietnamienne en plus, ainsi que le certficat médical.

        J’ai même une qualification sur A320, appareil largement utilisé par VNA.

        Malheureusement ils m’ont dit qu’il fallait que je passe par une agence (style Off shore,) pour postuler.

        J’ai répondu que c’est dommage pour eux, car en faisant ainsi, il recrutent sous contrat expatrié et donc on coûte bien plus chère.

        J’ai propose un deal comme quoi, je voulais être recruté sous contract local (donc vietnamien, salaire vietnamien etc) et ça n’a pas fonctionné…

        Je ne comprends pas comment une entreprise ne peut – elle pas saisir cette opportunité….

        J’ai écrit à la division 919, mentionnée ci dessus, et je n’ai jamais eu de réponse de leur part. :/

        N’y t’il vraiment pas moyen de négocier ?

        Ils m’ont dit qu’il n’existe pas de contrats locaux….ce qui est faux…car comment se fait-il qu’ils recrutent et forment des jeunes vientamiens cadets ?

        Voilà donc ma proposition :)

        bien cordialement,

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