Bonjour et merci ,
En effet c’est un gros pavé à lire. Je l’ai parcouru qu’en diagonale ,j’ai surtout retenu la conclusion que je reproduis ici:
The first decade after Doi Moi was the era ofdevolution of economic power, from centralplanners to farmers and enterprises. The second decade saw significant devolution of powers and responsibilities to the provinces,
and stronger accountability for communes,raising new challenges for inter-provincialplanning. More recently, functional devolutionto service delivery units and non-state providershas accelerated, and brought new challenges inaligning accountability with incentives.
What will the next decade look like?
Au diable la retenue,je réponds The Rise of Vietnam. :Vietnam:
Sinon pouvoir discuter de la pertinence des investissements,des faits de l’administration cela vous inspire quoi,amis Forumeurs ?