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[sport] Racing the Planet !

Discussions générales sur le Vietnam Le Sport au Vietnam [sport] Racing the Planet !

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    • #3252

        La premiere etape de « Racing the Planet »
        vient de se derouler au Vietnam ( 18-23 fevrier ) .

        C’est un raid passant par le Vietnam (etape inauguration) , le desert de Gobi en Chine , desert Atacama Chili , Sahara , Antartique .

        Intenet embarqué ( liaison satellite) pour avoir l’aventure en direct ou presque !!!

        Without the Internet (and other technology), organizing five annual far reaching and logistically complex events in the Gobi Desert in China, the Atacama Desert in Chile, the Sahara Desert in Egypt and Antarctica would not be possible. We are pleased to be introducing a fifth annual event, which will rove to a new country each year, and excited that the inaugural location is in Vietnam, less than two hours from our home.
        ( c’est organisé par une boite de hong kong )

        SleepMonsters – An eye on Adventure Racing#

        Les photos sont superbes
        RacingThePlanet – Video and Photo Gallery

        L’argent recolté (45000 $ ) a servi à operer des enfants atteint de malformation du visage ( OperationSmile )

        Children with congenital deformities to get free surgeryspacer.gif

        Nhan Dan – Ninety children with facial deformities in three mountainous provinces of Lao Cai, Yen Bai and Lai Chau are receiving free surgery.
        Polyclinic No 1 in Lao Cai province co-operated with the Operation Smile and the Vietnam Fund for Children Support is organising a week-long programme, from February 17 to 24, to help disabled children.
        It was the first time children with facial deformities in the provinces have been given with such surgery.
        The fund for the programme, about US $45,000, was raised by the Operation Smile from nearly 100 participants in an international race – Racing the Planet, who will participate in a 250 kilometres walk in Sa Pa, in Lao Cai province, for six days from February 18.
        Each patient will also receive between VND 250,000-300,000 for their daily need during the operation time.

        Nhan Dan — Life

      • #59343

          Merci Duc pour cette info..

          En tout cas bravo aux coureurs qui ont terminé le parcours et vu les paysages qu’ils ont traversé, cela a du être une source de motivation supplémentaire..

          je me permet de rajouter quelques photos du site :







        • #59346

          Yes, les photos !

          Ca me donne envie de les rejoindre !!!

        • #59347
            BenP;46461 wrote:
            Ca me donne envie de les rejoindre !!!

            Tout à fait..l’ambiance avait l’aire très convivial et chaleureux..c’est normal, ils sont au Vietnam….:Vietnam::lol:


            et il n’y a pas d’âges pour y participer…


            Source-photos :

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