› Discussions générales sur le Vietnam › La Culture au Vietnam › 14 jours de vacances ; 14 ngày phep (14 days) du réalisateur Nguyên Trong Khoa
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1 septembre 2011 à 8h24 #9511
Comme vous le comprenez, je reviens de 14 jours de vacance au Pays
Et jai vu ce film « 14 jours de vacances » de Nguyên Trong Khoa sur Vietnam Airlines.A propos sur le système de TV Boeing de VNA, les chaines culturel c’est
Le canal 4 -> Le rebel ; un film de kong fu Viet KieuLe canal 5 -> 14 jours de vacances ; 14 ngày phep (14 days)
Malheureusement, le film demare en 2eme heure (4h apres le decolage)
La tele des couloirs de l’avion reprend une sélection des programmes ; donc a surveiller.
Donc apres le repas du soir, vous avez :
« The Rebel » (« Dòng Máu Anh Hùng ») de Charlie Nguyen
dons on a parlé sur FV
Bon, c’est un film de kong fu avec peu de valeur historique mais assez sympa.Puis 14 ngay qui est très interressant au sujet du vietnam aujourd’hui
14 DAYS « 14 NGAY » Feature Film Teaser Movie Trailer14 DAYS « 14 NGAY » Feature Film Teaser Movie Trailer
Dailymotion – 14 DAYS « 14 NGAY » Feature Film Teaser Movie Trailer – a Cinéma video14 Days/14 Ngay – Unofficial Movie Trailer – YouTube
[HD] 14 Days/14 Ngay – Unofficial Movie Trailer – YouTube -
2 septembre 2011 à 11h03 #140957
Voici la brochure VNA :
[IMG][/img]Uploaded with ImageShack.us
14 septembre 2011 à 10h32 #141328
J’ai regardé ces 2 films en vietnamien puis je me suis aperçu que le systeme de l’avion Boeing 777 de Vietnam Airlines est trilingue.
Ptakopysk, je vais verifier ce soir sur un autre DVD
il faut que tu achetes des DVD, pas des VCDCes 2 films sont tournés en viet puis traduit donc les dialogues viets existes
Sont-ils sur le DVD ? la est la question !
@Ptakopysk 137583 wrote:
Je suis toujours dans mes leçons quotidiennes via la méthode assimil, et force est de constater que c’est plutôt efficace !
Cependant, j’aimerais bien, en parallèle, utiliser d’autres supports pour rendre mon apprentissage plus efficace :J’ai pensé aux recueils de nouvelles bilingues français-vietnamien, il y en a quelques uns, et c’est vrai que c’est assez intéressant, j’essaie de comparer ce que je crois comprendre avec ce qui est écrit en français, en attendant de pouvoir vraiment lire des nouvelles complètes… Mais étant donné que la plus grosse difficulté est l’oral, ce n’est pas non plus un support parfait…
J’ai pensé à la musique, car on apprend souvent passivement des mots et expressions à force d’écouter et réécouter des chansons, mais ce n’est pas évident de distinguer les tons !!!
J’avais pensé à des films vietnamiens sortis en DVD en France, mais ceux que j’ai vu ne proposent que des sous-titres en français, ce qui est mieux que rien, mais l’idéal serait de pouvoir avoir accès à des sous-titres vietnamiens !
Peut-être connaissez-vous sur internet des sites où l’on peut voir des vidéo, films, séries vietnamiennes sous-titrées en vietnamien ? Par expérience, je sais que ça permet des progrès assez rapides quand on apprend une langue…
Si vous avez d’autres idées de support, je suis preneur !
14 septembre 2011 à 10h58 #141331
j’ai vu ces 2 films dans l’avion de Vietnam Airlines,
j’ai beaucoup aimé « 14-jours-de-vacances » -14-ngay-phep-14-days-du-réalisateur-nguyen-trong-khoa et un peu moins Le rebelCes 2 films sont tournés en viet puis traduit en 3 langues. Donc ya les dialogues viets
y a ca sur le systeme du Boeing 777 de vna : tu peux changer le canal son :
Fra -
16 septembre 2011 à 7h10 #141403
14 Day (14 Ngày Phép) : ViFF: Vietnamese International Film Festival – Official Site
14 Day (14 Ngày Phép)
March 31, 2011 by quyenVietnam 2009
95 min / color video
Vietnamese with English subtitlesProducers: Jimmy Nghiem Pham, Tawny Truc Nguyen
Director/Writer: Khoa Trong Nguyen
Cinematographer: Dominic Pereira
Sound: Michael Fox
Music: Christopher Wong
Editor: Ham TranMain Cast: Trinh Hoi, Ngoc Lan, Thai Hoa, Binh Minh, Kim Phuong
14 DAYS is the story of a naïve Vietnamese-American man on vacation for two life-changing weeks in the country he left as a child. What unfolds is an unexpected, endearing love story that takes place when Dung (Trinh Hoi) arrives in Vietnam from the United States, broken down following a devastating break-up with his girlfriend.
As is sometimes true with men behaving badly on vacation, Dung is strongly encouraged by his obnoxious local friend, tour guide, and wingman, Lam (Thai Hoa, De Mai Tinh), to exploit the women they encounter in Saigon. Instead of taking advantage of the women that are brought to him by Lam and bowing to peer pressure, Dung tries to do the right thing by avoiding to take part in the “festivities” that Lam has planned. Initially, Dung’s overall lack of confidence and inability to stand up for himself force him into a few uncomfortable situations.
These circumstances eventually lead to his gradual yet striking transformation after a chance encounter with Thao, who steals his heart. Through their brief moments together, Dung trades chaos for calm and experiences a more romantic and touching side of Vietnam. The difficult life story and interaction with Thao allows Dung to realize the importance of love, tolerance, and the need to help others.
Herein lies the warmth and charm of the film’s premise: Just when you think you are watching a handsome Vietnamese-American man bask in his post-break-up-revenge, you’re in for a pleasant ride as director Khoa Trong Nguyen offers an alternative perspective to a side of Vietnam we may never see again on the big screen.
By Kenneth Nguyen
ps suite : I am a Filmmaker: Behind the Lens of 14 Days with Director Khoa Nguyen
20 septembre 2011 à 9h00 #141531
Merci pour l’info DD..:bye:
20 septembre 2011 à 11h58 #141539
Dans le film, y en a un qui me fait rire, devinez lequel ?
14 Days « 14 Ngay » – Teaser Movie Trailer (unofficial) – Chanh Phuong Film Trinh Hoi – YouTube
14 Day (14 Ngày Phép)March 31, 2011 by quyen
Vietnam 2009
95 min / color video
Vietnamese with English subtitlesProducers: Jimmy Nghiem Pham, Tawny Truc Nguyen
Director/Writer: Khoa Trong Nguyen
Cinematographer: Dominic Pereira
Sound: Michael Fox
Music: Christopher Wong
Editor: Ham TranMain Cast: Trinh Hoi, Ngoc Lan, Thai Hoa, Binh Minh, Kim Phuong
Le Viet Kieu et son pote de la xa hoi den :
20 septembre 2011 à 12h12 #141541
Une traduc google de l’article précédent :
Google Traduction14 jours (14 Ngay pHep)
March 31, 2011 by quyen 31 mars 2011 par le quyen
Vietnam 2009 Vietnam 2009
95 min / color video 95 min / vidéo couleur
Vietnamese with English subtitles Vietnamien avec sous-titres anglaisProducers : Jimmy Nghiem Pham, Tawny Truc Nguyen Producteurs: Jimmy Pham Nghiem, Nguyen Truc Tawny
Director/Writer : Khoa Trong Nguyen Réalisateur / Scénariste: Khoa Nguyen Trong
Cinematographer : Dominic Pereira Photographie: Dominique Pereira
Sound : Michael Fox Son: Michael Fox
Music : Christopher Wong Musique: Christopher Wong
Editor : Ham Tran Éditeur: Ham Tran
Main Cast : Trinh Hoi, Ngoc Lan, Thai Hoa, Binh Minh, Kim Phuong Acteurs principaux: Trinh Hoi, Ngoc Lan, Thai-Hoa, Binh Minh, Kim Phuong14 DAYS is the story of a naïve Vietnamese-American man on vacation for two life-changing weeks in the country he left as a child.
14 jours est l’histoire d’un naïf américano-vietnamienne homme en vacances pendant deux semaines qui change la vie dans le pays qu’il a quitté comme un enfant.
What unfolds is an unexpected, endearing love story that takes place when Dung (Trinh Hoi) arrives in Vietnam from the United States, broken down following a devastating break-up with his girlfriend.
Que se déploie est un inattendu, histoire d’amour attachant qui a lieu quand Dung (Trinh Hoi) arrive au Vietnam des États-Unis, après une dévastatrice rupture avec sa petite amie.
As is sometimes true with men behaving badly on vacation, Dung is strongly encouraged by his obnoxious local friend, tour guide, and wingman, Lam (Thai Hoa, De Mai Tinh), to exploit the women they encounter in Saigon.
Comme il est parfois vrai que les hommes se comportent mal en vacances, Dung est fortement encouragé par ses amis locaux odieux, guide touristique, et ailier, Lam (Thai-Hoa, De Mai Tinh), à exploiter les femmes qu’ils rencontrent à Saigon.
Instead of taking advantage of the women that are brought to him by Lam and bowing to peer pressure, Dung tries to do the right thing by avoiding to take part in the “festivities” that Lam has planned.
Au lieu de profiter de ces femmes qui sont aportées à lui par Lam et s’inclinant devant la pression des pairs, Dung tente de faire la bonne chose en évitant de prendre part à la « fête » que Lam a prévu.
Initially, Dung’s overall lack of confidence and inability to stand up for himself force him into a few uncomfortable situations. Initialement, le manque global de Dung de confiance et de l’incapacité de se lever pour lui-même le forcer à quelques situations inconfortables.These circumstances eventually lead to his gradual yet striking transformation after a chance encounter with Thao, who steals his heart. Ces circonstances éventuellement conduire à sa transformation progressive mais frappante, après une rencontre fortuite avec Thao, qui vole son cœur. Through their brief moments together, Dung trades chaos for calm and experiences a more romantic and touching side of Vietnam. Grâce à leurs brefs moments ensemble, Dung métiers du chaos au calme et à l’expérience d’un côté plus romantique et touchante du Vietnam. The difficult life story and interaction with Thao allows Dung to realize the importance of love, tolerance, and the need to help others. L’histoire de vie difficiles et l’interaction avec Thao permet Dung à réaliser l’importance de l’amour, la tolérance, et la nécessité d’aider les autres.
Herein lies the warmth and charm of the film’s premise: Just when you think you are watching a handsome Vietnamese-American man bask in his post-break-up-revenge, you’re in for a pleasant ride as director Khoa Trong Nguyen offers an alternative perspective to a side of Vietnam we may never see again on the big screen. C’est là que réside la chaleur et le charme de la prémisse du film: Juste quand vous pensez que vous regardez un bel homme se prélasser américano-vietnamienne dans sa post-rupture-vengeance, vous êtes dedans pour une agréable balade en tant que directeur Khoa Nguyen Trong offre une perspective alternative à un côté du Vietnam, nous pouvons ne jamais revoir sur grand écran.
By Kenneth Nguyen Par Kenneth Nguyen
21 septembre 2011 à 11h03 #141561
I am a Filmmaker: Behind the Lens of 14 Days with Director Khoa Nguyen
I am a Filmmaker: Behind the Lens of 14 Days with Director Khoa Nguyen
The Vietnamese Film Festival kicks off tomorrow. As a media partner, OneVietnam will be at the festival on certain occasions to help promote the event. This is a special interview with Director Khoa Nguyen, whose film 14 Days (« 14 Ngay Phep » in Vietnamese) will screen this Friday, April 8, at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana. Get to know Khoa and check out what he has to say on cinema, his path to film making, and what directions Vietnamese films need to go in the future.
By VTP on April 6, 2011 • Topics: Arts & Culture,EntertainmentThe Vietnamese Film Festival ViFF: Vietnamese International Film Festival – Official Site kicks off tomorrow. As a media partner, OneVietnam will be at the festival on certain occasions to help promote the event. Below is a special interview with Director Khoa Nguyen, whose film 14 Days (“14 Ngay Phep” in Vietnamese) will screen this Friday, April 8, at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana. Get to know Khoa and check out what he has to say on cinema, his path to film making and where Vietnamese films are heading in the future.
I was given the name Nguyen Trong Khoa because my parents value education. They wanted their children to have the opportunity they never had and sacrificed everything for this. To fulfill their wishes, I received a Bachelors Degree in Fine Art from UCLA, a Masters Degree in Screenwriting from USC, and a Masters Degree in Telecom Management from Golden Gate University.Film has been a part of my life from a very young age. I had asthma when I was little and could not go out and play like the other kids. So I stayed inside watching TV and movies on the VCR. That’s when I knew I wanted to be a filmmaker.
Films took me places I couldn’t go. It allowed my imagination to run wild and soar. I often told made-up stories to my two brothers and the neighborhood kids. Everyone thought the stories were real and enjoyed them. That’s when I knew I had a knack for storytelling.Whether it’s documentary or feature films, it’s about telling good stories that captivate and move an audience. I started with a documentary because it didn’t cost much to make. I was the writer, cameraman, Director, and editor. My brother Hung helped produce it while my friend Tom did the score and my friend Son mixed the sound. It was a blast to make. With feature films, a budget, a big crew, actors, etc are required. They take time to produce. Since I’m a storyteller, I see myself working in both arenas.
14 Days is a journey that every young overseas Vietnamese must make. We must see and experience first-hand where our parents came from, where we came from. Then we can come to appreciate who we are and what we have. Each of our experiences will be different, but it brings us in touch with our heritage and what makes us Vietnamese. Then we must do what we can to properly represent our people in whatever we chose to pursue.
This film explores what it means to be human. To experience life’s small pleasures, to do the wrong thing and realize the error in your ways, to appreciate a good conversation, to find joy in the moments, and togetherness in song, to find love in the most unlikely of circumstances. To not judge a book by its cover and to forgive because no one is perfect.
The future holds tremendous promise for Vietnamese cinema. The number of films produced this year (2011) will double compared to last year. The number of screens continues to grow as audiences flock to the theaters. Vietnamese films have raised eyebrows at film festivals throughout the world. Overseas Vietnamese audiences are making their way to theaters to support home-grown Vietnamese films. Overseas Vietnamese and local filmmakers are collaborating with one another to tell a diverse range of stories and put Vietnam on the map.
As a Vietnamese filmmaker one must be true to the story that he/she wants to tell. I’m just in the beginning stages of my film career so I can only comment based on what I’ve experienced. If you can tell a compelling story and create believable characters, then you have a shot anywhere. However, the road is different for everyone. My road took me back to Vietnam because I’ve always wanted to tell stories about Vietnamese people. It wasn’t practical to make Vietnamese films in the US because the audience for foreign language films is quite small. Then you’re dependent on the Vietnamese community to support you. And with the amount of bootlegging there is out there, making a Vietnamese film in the US is a crap shoot with the odds stacked against you. However, with a population of over 80 million strong, Vietnam provides a potentially large playing field for Vietnamese films. People are coming into more money and are looking for different forms of entertainment. Theater-going is making a strong comeback.In order for Vietnamese films to succeed, we must go out and show our support. Only then can filmmakers find the budget to keep making them. One day, a Vietnamese film with Vietnamese stars will break through to the international market. One day, we will see the stories of us, our families, our parents, our people play to packed houses on the silver screens throughout the world. That day is coming soon to a theater near you.
27 septembre 2011 à 20h26 #141735
où peut-on trouver ce film (qui à l’air très bien) à SG ?
Cam on nhieu !Au fait, plusieurs films vietnamiens présumés bons (par moi même) vont sortir, mais je me rappelle seulement de l’un d’eux : Dân khu tâp the (les habitants des maisons collectives ou qqc comme ça… Je comprends le titre, mais je n’arrive pas à rendre le sens dans un bon français). C’est aussi un film d’un Vietnamien dont le prénom est Khoa.
28 septembre 2011 à 7h59 #141753
Dân= les gens, khu tâp the = la cité : il y a une 20taine d’années, du temps du communisme, on était logé par l’usine ou le bureau ou le ministère pour lequel on travail
Par exemple la cité de l’hopital 358, cité de la police, cité du ministere du transport EXTIl vend le film « 14 day » au USA sur le site mais je n’ai pas eu le temps d’aller au centre de Hanoi voir dans les boutiques officielles.
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