.. doublon
.. doublon
Dernière modification par HUYARD Pierre ; 06/08/2012 à 16h27.
Un homme, lui, ne sait pas toujours qu'il est pere, alors, qu'une femme n'a pas a prouver sa parente avec son enfant.
Quand le pere est averti qu'il est le pere et reconnait l'enfant, il n'est bien sur pas question d'adoption.
Tout pere a le droit d'elever son enfant: a condition toutefois que le mere et la justice, ne s'y opposent pas.
La gay pride de Hanoi interpelle.Et si le Vietnam n'était pas comme les autres dictatures !
Viet Nam holds First Gay Pride Parade.
My wife is from Viet Nam. She's smart and cute and funny.
When she is surprised by something she has a reaction that I can only describe as something you'd see in a Chinese movie, her eyes open wide and she looks at you abruptly and says "Huh?" in a very animated fashion.
This morning she did that when I told her Vietnam holds their first gay pride parade, which the linked Raw Story posting suggests "helps unite the LGBT community".
The first gay pride parade in communist Vietnam took place in the capital Hanoi on Sunday with dozens of cyclists displaying balloons and rainbow flags streaming through the city’s streets.
Organised by the city’s small but growing Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community, the event went ahead peacefully with no attempt by police to stop the colourful convoy of about 100 activists despite their lack of official permission.
“There was no intervention which is a good thing for Vietnam,” said one of the organisers, Tam Nguyen.
It's a BFD for a couple of reasons.
Viet Nam is a communist country. Really really community. My wife says people largely aren't political and politics is essentially discouraged. The country runs with what I would call something like a Stalinist politburo. So naturally, Viet Nam is severely maligned by our conservative frinds and neighbors and a place place of tyranny and so forth.
And Viet Nam is far from perfect: Communism, to me, is sort of like the 'crack cocaine' of government. Our government is, according to my wife "broken" and it's generally not the best thing ever, but communism seems to just screw up everything it touches.
When I was there in 2004 I noticed that gay lifestyle, at least in the city of Nha Trang, was tolerated without a blink of the eye. I saw a variety of gay couple walking arm in arm, hand in hand.
The BEST sight, though, was at the end of a brief stay on a small island off the coast of VN: we were re-boarding our boat when another boat came up and 'parked' right beside us. That boat was FULL of flamingly gay Vietnamese people. Loud, drunk, dancing, wild-colored hair, piercings. We bantered back and forth a little bit (The people awalys knew I was an American from a mile away and always wanted to try out their English).
I'm not making fun or being bad - they were a scream. I enjoyed the spectacle, my very traditional-valued wife was a little less amused. I told her "Wow. They are just like the gay people in America...except shorter." I told her this was normal in America. The point there is that in the middle of the most foreign of countries the robust expression of gay lifestyle seemed very familiar and not-exotic. And very funny.
The important part of this is that it was occurring in a Communist country, where I thought - and we are told to believe - such personal freedoms were actively discouraged.
Viet Nam is trying to be a more open country, they, like anybody else, like foreign investment. I say they are Communist on the outside and capitalists on the inside.
Next, the fact they are reporting they did this without a permit and without antagonism from the police. I think that is a huge distinction from over here in the land of the free.
When I was in Saigon, I was asked to come down to the desk to talk to a man, who I surmised was secret police. He asked some hardball questions about wht I was doing in Viet Nam and what I did for a living in the America. I told him I was something like a social worker. He looked at me, like a PI from a 1960's movie, I swear - and gruffly replied "Me too"
The police in Viet Nam aren't to be messed with. Sure, they can be bribed a lot of times, but should that not work, they don't have the same constraints of a constitition like ours. And there are no jury trials. So, agaim, the fact that this was tolerated unpermitted in a communist country and tolerated well by the constabulary, it sets a very good example for Viet Nam and other countries.
Granted, Viet Nam has a long way to go to be accidentally mistaken for America, but at the rate things are going here, this is an example for us of what democracy looks like.
I thought this was awesome and wanted to share it with people.
Cà vaut ce que çà vaut :
voici un petit atlas tout récent des dfférents régimes particuliers classés par les journalistes du Nouvel Obs
CARTE. L'archipel de la tyrannie - Le Nouvel Observateur
CARTE. L'archipel de la tyrannie
Créé le 06-08-2012 à 14h30 - Mis à jour à 16h36
Par Le Nouvel Observateur
[Il y a dictature et dictature. De la Biélorussie, aux portes de l'Europe, au roi du Swaziland, qui fascine par ses excentricités, le "Nouvel Observateur" dresse une typologie des régimes qui tiennent encore et s'arrête sur cinq d'entre eux : le Zimbabwe, le Swaziland, le Turkménistan, l'Erythrée et la Syrie.]
Le Vietnam est quelque part , en cherchant un peu
Dernière modification par robin des bois ; 07/08/2012 à 10h54.
C'est sûr qu'à côté du Vietnam avec sa loi sur la sécurité de l'état ,la Thailande fait figure d'exemple de démocratie avec celle de Lèse-majesté et de lutte anti-drogue qui permet d'éliminer physiquement les "trafiquants".Loi trés pratique car les morts ne parlent que très rarement. Comme durant la guerre du Vietnam où tous les morts étaient des viet congs
Quant à l'Indonésie ,les incendies des églises et temples non islamiques sont si pratiques quand ils éclairent les voies rapides. Alors pourquoi les dénoncer?
On ne peut que féliciter le travail d'investigation du Nouvel Obs et son impartialité.
Dernière modification par ngjm95 ; 07/08/2012 à 12h19.
C'est vrai : Les Chinois PRC sont beaucoup plus endoctrinés que les Vietnamiens.
Il y a une nuance subtile entre dictature et régime autoritaire.
Mais par définition, il faut un dictateur (et sa famille) pour faire une dictature
Donc dans l'absolue, La Chine n'est pas une dictature, Ah oui... on parlait des Pédé
J'ai lu dans wikipédia :
Type de garçon asiatique de plus en plus fréquent :
et :J'ai surpris mon chat entrain de regarder de la pornographie sur internet :Fact: 45% of all Asian Women are bi-sexual sisters.
Dernière modification par DédéHeo ; 08/08/2012 à 07h50.
Je ne pense pas que cette carte soit vraiment sérieuse, sans doute une carte vite fait, sur une table de bistrot.
À l'appui de mon dire, je donne ici un seul exemple : Singapour, qui ne figure pas sur la carte, même en tant que pays "à surveiller".
À côté de Singapour, le Vietnam parait un pays totalement laxiste.
Le Vietnam est dirigé par un parti unique qui regroupe, à ma connaissance, 2,5 millions de membres. Soit, environ 3 % de la population.
Singapour est dirigé, depuis son indépendance en 1965, par le biais d'un parti croupion, par deux familles, avec une famille prépondérante, les Lee. Lee KuanYew a été premier ministre de 1965 à 1990, un intermède avec Goh Chok Tonk de 1990 à 2004 et c'est le fils Lee (Lee Hsien Loong) qui reprend en 2004 le rênes du pouvoir. En admettant que les deux familles regroupent environ 200 membres, on peut dire que Singapour est dirigé par 0,004 % de la population.
Et pourtant, on n'entend jamais parler de Singapour comme d'une dictature, voire d'un régime autoritaire. Ah oui, c'est vrai, j'oubliais, Singapour est un pays riche.
L'exemple de l'icône de la lutte des droits de l'homme et des libertés (de tuer aussi comme en Birmanie ou aux Etats Unis ?) Miss Aung San Suu Kyi ,Prix Nobel de la Paix !
When the oppressed become the oppressors
Nobody disputes the fact that about 100,000 Rohingyas (out of a population of 800,000) are now internal refugees in Myanmar, while others have fled across the border into Bangladesh. As you would expect, the Buddhist monks of Myanmar have stood up to be counted. Unfortunately, this time they are standing on the wrong side.
Buddhist monks are standing outside the refugee camps in Arakan, turning away people who are trying to bring food and other aid to the Rohingya. Two important Buddhist organizations in the region, the Young Monks’ Association of Sittwe and the Mrauk U Monks’ Association, have urged locals to have no dealings with them. One pamphlet distributed by the monks says the Rohingya are “cruel by nature.”
And Aung San Suu Kyi, the woman who spent two decades under house arrest for defying the generals — the woman who may one day be Burma’s first democratically elected prime minister — has declined to offer any support or comfort to the Rohingyas either.
Recently, a foreign journalist asked her whether she regarded Rohingyas as citizens of Burma. “I do not know,” she prevaricated. “We have to be very clear about what the laws of citizenship are and who are entitled to them.”
If she were honest, she would have replied: “Of course the Rohingya are citizens, but I dare not say so. The military are finally giving up power, and I want to win the 2015 election. I won’t win any votes by defending the rights of Burmese Muslims.”
TheRecord - When the oppressed become the oppressors
Va comprendre Charles !
En ces temps troubles ou le respect s'perd dans les usines de mon grand pere, et ou les USA font eclater le sacro saint principe du secret bancaire Suisse, Singapour devient un refuge, une terre d'asile pour les capitaux orphelins a la recherche d'un abri sur.
HongKong va devenir de plus en plus Pekinise, le Luxembourg se tient a carreau ...
Il nous reste Singapour, pays au systeme politique pas tres sympathique ni democratique, mais si sur pour nos avoirs caches.
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