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expo Le charme du Vietnam – TPHCM

Discussions générales sur le Vietnam La Photo et le Vietnam expo Le charme du Vietnam – TPHCM

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        “The Charm of Vietnam” is the title of a book of photographs published by VNP photojournalist Hoang Minh Quoc. It is also the name of his private exhibition held at the representative office of the Vietnam News Agency, 116 – 118 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Ho Chi Minh City.


        According to Hoang Minh Quoc, money received from sales of his photos at the exhibition will be donated to the fund “For the Pain of Agent Orange” of the Vietnam News Agency. It is of great significance for the Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange since Vietnam will organise the 50th anniversary of the day Agent Orange was dropped in Vietnam (August 10, 1961).

        Vietnam Pictorial

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      • #139071

        Merci duc!
        bonne soirée à vous
        Ti Ngoc

        j’aime beaucoup le contraste des tee shirts colorés des enfants avec le triste gris de cette cathédrale de Ha Nôi (que je trouve hideuse)7-2011NA05529.jpg

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