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Discussion: Recherche d'information sur la culture vietnamienne

  1. #1
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    Date d'inscription
    mai 2008

    Par défaut Recherche d'information sur la culture vietnamienne


    Je suis actuellement étudiant dans une école d'ingénieur : l'ESIEE Paris et représente un groupe de 4 personnes. Nous devons mener à bien un projet visant à en apprendre plus sur le Vietnam. Plus précisément, nous sommes à la recherche de contacts vietnamiens parlant anglais et susceptibles de nous apporter les connaissances necessaires afin d'établir correctement la communication avec des Vietnamiens dans un contexte professionnel. Aussi nous vous serions reconnaissant si vous pouviez trouver un peu de temps afin de répondre à ces quelques questions :

    Please answer as many questions as possible. If you find a question too awkward, please state which one.
    1. Do Vietnamese think that eye contact is really important when communicating?
    2. During a conversation, is silence have any special signification in Vietnam? :
    • For example :

      [ ] The unability to answer a question.
      [ ] Don't know the answer.
      [ ] A feeling of embarrassment.
      [ ] Other.
      3. During a conversation, is interrupting someone is considered rude in Vietnam?
      4. Do people in Vietnam easily express their emotions at work?
      5. What do collegues usually do when they disagree with each other in Vietnam?
    For example : Showing your disagreement by :

    [ ] Nodding. (Or other gesture)
    [ ] Shouting.
    [ ] A Silence.
    [ ] Other.

    6. In a business behavior, do Vietnamese people

    [ ] shake hands with both of hands
    [ ] shake hands pumping hands up and down a few times
    [ ] bow each other
    [ ] kiss on cheeks or hug a little bit
    [ ] have a special way of greeting

    with a stranger?
    with a friend?
    with someone of the opposite sex?

    7. What are taboo subjects that a Vietnamese should not talk about with a colleague or a superior?

    8. In a business behavior, can a Vietnamese have a personal relationship
    with other colleague or a superior? If yes, can they show their affection
    in business?

    9. In a business behavior, how far a Vietnamese usually have a
    conversation with other person?
    [ ] next to
    [ ] a half meter
    [ ] a meter

    10. In a business context, are there specific words or expressions which are absolutely forbidden in conversation ? If yes, what are they ?
    11. How conversations are usually opened and closed ?
    12. Is that different from when the conversation is a business conversation ? If yes, how should it be ?
    13. Is speaking loud considered rude during a conversation ?
    14. Is it preferable to keep a calm ton during a conversation ?
    15. When Vietnamese people say yes, that means they understand but that doesn't necessarely they agree, is it the same for Vietnamese people ?
    16. Are there words or expressions that are perceived differently from their meaning by Vietnamese people ? If yes, what are the most ofently used ?
    17. How to react when a misunderstanding occurs in a conversation ?

    18. How acceptable is it to tell jokes to a superior ?

    19. What do men usually wear at work ? Women ? How is originality perceived by collegues and superior ? For example : tatoos, piercing, brightly colored clothes.
    20. In a meeting context,are there things, gestures maybe, that only Vietnamese people do ?
    21. What is the most important thing in someone's carrier in Vietnam ? For example, do people generally prefer having a better wage or more responsibility ?
    22. Do people enjoy working alone ? Do they like working in a team ?

    23. Is there one particular subject we should avoid talking about in a business situation ?

    Thanks for your time.

  2. # ADS
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