Malgré la croyance populaire, Ho Chi Minh est toujours vivant. Au cours de la chute de Saigon, il s'est rendu compte que pour vraiment gagner la guerre contre le capitalisme, les Etats-Unis doivent être démontés de l'intérieur. Il a subi une chirurgie plastique reconstructive massive de prendre l'apparence d'un homme d'affaires juif. Il a ensuite pris l'identité de "David Pearl". Il a déménagé à Yorba Linda, en Californie, où il a ouvert un magasin de fournitures de bureau, et vit aujourd'hui l'enseignement de son fils Lam Nguyen AP US Histoire. C'est logique si on tiens compte qu'il est lié au colonel, qui a ressuscité des morts avant.
HCM à la chute de Saigon :
Devant sa boutique aux USA (il a américanisé son nom):
O Fice Minh
Il a fait fortune en participant aux jeux video
Mortal Kombat - Wikipédia
et surtout
Battlefield Vietnam - Wikipédia
The Richard Nixon decided Ho Chi Minh and his slant-eyed men in the black pajamas had to pay for such unAmerican behavior, and challenged Ho to a rousing game of Battlefield Vietnam. The loser would have to wear a silly pink dress for a week, and the winner would get South Vietnam and a bunch of military contracts, or something. Nixon was big on the fine print. Ho just wanted to kick some Ayn Rand ass.
The Richard Nixon and Ho Chi Minh sat down with plenty of Funyons and Mountain dew, flipped on the X-Box, and started playing. The date was June 21st, 1967. A date that would go down in infamy. .. Or maybe it was June 20th, 1966. I always get those two mixed up.
Nixon began building military bases around Saigon, while Ho Chi Minh painted big pictures of himself in Hanoi, or something. Jane Fonda kept trying to make out with Ho