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Discussion: Việt Nam và Cờ Tây - Le Viêt Nam et les Echecs

  1. #1
    Habitué du Việt Nam Avatar de Thanh
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2006

    Par défaut Việt Nam và Cờ Tây - Le Viêt Nam et les Echecs

    Source:, site des échecs du GM britannique Glenn Flear

    Au tournoi de l'Aéroflot s'étaient rencontrés ... avec d'autres GM

    Deux GM Vietnamiens

    Lê Quang Liêm (sinh năm - né en - 1991) - Elo 2647
    Nguyển Ngọc Trường Sơn (sinh năm - né en - 1990) - Elo 2616

    et Deux GM Français

    Maxime Vachier-Lagrave (sinh năm - né en - 1990) - Elo 2730
    Etienne Bacrot (sinh năm - né en - 1983) - Elo 2713

    Ian Nepomniachtchi made his way back to the top board in the Moscow Aeroflot event two years after becoming champion.
    This time the outcome was less happy for him! He lost in the final round enabling Le (see yesterday’s photo) to become outright winner and pocket a handy 21,000 Euros.

    With such a strong Russian field it was certainly a surprise that the relatively unknown Vietnamese Quang Liem Le finished ahead of the pack.
    However as a fore-runner of this result he also excelled himself in the Moscow open from earlier this month.
    He must be winning a sackful of Elo points!

    Quang Liem Le(6)VIE26471-0Ian Nepomniachtchi(5.5)RUS2658
    Anton Korobov(5.5)UKR26481-0Ngoc Truong Son Nguyen(6)VIE2616
    Boris Grachev(5.5)RUS26530.5-0.5Maxime Vachier-Lagrave(5)FRA2730
    Alexey Dreev(5)RUS26500.5-0.5Etienne Bacrot(5)FRA2713
    Krishnan Sasikiran(5)IND26530-1Alexander Motylev(5)RUS2697
    Artyom Timofeev(5)RUS26520.5-0.5Gabriel Sargissian(5)ARM2680
    Evgeny Bareev(5)RUS26430.5-0.5Xiangzhi Bu(5)CHN2673
    Boris Savchenko(5)RUS26380.5-0.5Ivan Cheparinov(5)BUL2660
    Jianchao Zhou(5)CHN26321-0Giovanni Vescovi(5)BRA2660
    Eduardo Iturrizaga(5)VEN26160.5-0.5Wesley So(5)PHI2656

    Korobov also won in the last round and thus managed to overtake his opponent and thus with 6.5/7 finished second alone. Motylev, Zhou, Grachev and Nguyen Truong Son were third equal with 6 points.

    We will be hearing more from Ngoc Truong Son Nguyen in the near future!
    A shame for the younger of the Vietnamese couple who lost out on a small fortune by losing the last round.
    Only two Russians in the top six places.



    1GM Le, Quang Liem7.0VIEM26472872+2.5812655.0111½½½½11

    2GM Korobov, Anton6.5UKRM26482776+1.5412606.0½011½1½11

    3GM Motylev, Alexander6.0RUSM26972755+0.67-12629.71½½½½½½11

    4GM Zhou, Jianchao6.0CHNM26322778+1.7512660.1½1½½½½1½1

    5GM Nguyen, Ngoc Truong Son6.0VIEM26162749+1.6112638.7½111½½½10

    6GM Grachev, Boris6.0RUSM26532745+1.0912616.31½½11½½½½

    7GM Cheparinov, Ivan5.5BULM26602715+0.69-12638.01½1½½½½½½

    8GM Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime5.5FRAM27302700-0.33-12631.1½1½½011½½

    9GM Nepomniachtchi, Ian5.5RUSM26582691+0.42-12622.40111½½1½0

    10GM Bu, Xiangzhi5.5CHNM26732700+0.33-12619.3110½½½½1½

    11GM So, Wesleyj5.5PHIM26562693+0.46-12612.1½1011½½½½

    12GM Sargissian, Gabriel5.5ARMM26802682+0.03-12604.1½½½½1½½1½

    13GM Savchenko, Boris5.5RUSM26382729+1.1412651.1101½1½10½

    14GM Bacrot, Etienne5.5FRAM27132717+0.0612640.7101½½1½½½

    15GM Timofeev, Artyom5.5RUSM26522707+0.7112631.31½101½½½½

    16GM Bareev, Evgeny5.5RUSM26432699+0.7112620.7½1½1½01½½

    The International Chess Festival "Aeroflot Open 2010" was held in Moscow from 8 February (the day of arrival) to 19 February 2010 (the day of departure).

    The Aeroflot Open Chess Festival, which is popular throughout the world, was held in February 2010 for the ninth time running. This major event is open to chess players of most varied qualification: from unrated to having a very high rating. As before, the festival is held “under the wings” of our leading air company – Aeroflot. For the fifth year running the festival will take place in the major tourist complex “Izmailovo” - hotel “Gamma – Delta”, where the participants of the previous festivals so liked to stay and to play. This time the festival has the same prize fund as in 2009 amounting to EUR 180 000 (taking into account the prizes for the World Blitz Qualification Tournament).

    Tournament A1: for chessplayers with a FIDE rating higher than 2549.Total prize fund Group A1: EUR 70 000

    1st Prize 21000 euros
    2nd Prize 12000
    3rd Prize 7000
    4th Prize 4000
    5th Prize 3000
    6th - 10th Prizes each 1700
    11th - 15th Prizes each 1200
    16th -20th Prizes each 700
    21st - 30th Prizes each 500

    Dernière modification par Thanh ; 11/03/2010 à 15h30.
    君 子 必 存 善

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