Il se caractérise par une violence extrême vis à vis des ses opposants. Certains journalistes étrangers n'hésitent pas à l'assimiler au fascisme allemand. Arrestations massives et arbitraires suivies de tortures sous le couvert bienfaisant des Etats_Unis car ce n'étaient que des "communistes"!
With American "know-how" placed in the hands of the most fanatic and vicious elements of the dying old order in South Vietnam,
the modes and scope of torture and systematic police violence in the Thieu state bear comparison with anything Europe produced during the heyday of fascism. (There are no crematoria in South Vietnam, but methods of torture there are more refined and more broadly employed; even Hitler did not engage in crop defoliation or wholesale bombing and forced transfer of a large part of his own agrarian population.) Electrical and water torture, the ripping out of fingernails, enforced drinking of solutions of powdered lime, the driving of nails into prisoners' _ bones (kneecaps or ankles), beatings ending in death, have become standard operating procedure in the Thieu prisons.