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Discussion: HUONG [connaissez vous???]

  1. #1
    Passionné du Việt Nam Avatar de BEBE
    Date d'inscription
    août 2007
    1 029

    Par défaut HUONG [connaissez vous???]

    Qui connait HUONG.....cette ex journaliste vietnamiene partie en Amerique (d'abord en Alaska et aujourd'hui vivant en Floride) apres la chute de Saigon, devenue artiste peintre et dont les tableaux chantent la paix pour un monde meilleur.........

    As an artist, former journalist, mother, Vietnam War refugee and fervent
    social activist, Huong has communicated her message for peace for more
    than 30 years. A self-taught artist, she has launched over 80 exhibits
    throughout the U.S. and Canada. Collectively, her paintings form a body
    of work that is rare and perhaps unprecedented in addressing issues of
    war and peace. Many have compared her work to that of Pablo Picasso’s
    war protest, Guernica.

    Huong was a 25-year-old mother and Vietnamese journalist when she
    escaped her war-torn country in 1975 on the eve before the fall of Saigon,
    catching one of the last refugee life boats and wearing only one shoe while
    clutching her infant son. She soon embarked upon a journey that took her to
    Guam, then to California, and finally to Alaska, where she soon swapped her
    pen for a brush.

    In Alaska, she painted the beauty around her and nurtured the opportunity for a new life of promise. She learned to
    carve and paint with the Eskimos, and art soon became the source of her livelihood. At the time, most of her work was of
    Alaskan landscapes. Soon, she exhibited in galleries across the country and eventually settled in South Florida in the late
    1980s. Shortly after came the urge to paint out the passions within her. In 1991 when the fist Iraq War began, as she
    describes it, “I came face to face with the memory of the war and my demons. The numbed grief inside leaked out. The
    memories poured out and ached within me.” And so, she took responsibility for this call to action, justice, and a sense of

    In the words of the Artist herself:
    By fate or by chance, on that ominous day in 1975, I was destined to begin the journey that would forever change my life.
    I was a child of war in Vietnam. Today, I am a woman of peace. I have grown into the wounds of that war. My art is my
    story, my artbiography, and in each unique way, the story of us all.

    All of us are children of war-- the same war with different names. One does not have to be on the battlefield, in a jungle,
    or in the desert to be a victim of war. In our genes, we carry every war that has ever been fought . All of us are victims
    and survivors who in one way or another have been wounded. But I am an optimist. I believe human beings have the
    capacity to create peace both within themselves and with others. I remember all too well, running, pushing, falling. I
    remember feeling the blood throbbing through my veins. I remember the grenades, the blinding explosions, the piles of
    human rubble, the vacant eyes staring ahead as my terror swelled.

    Then, I lost my shoe. I thought I should leave the other shoe so those left behind could use it. I hadn’t thought that
    there would be many who would need just one shoe. I kept running, my son clinging to me, sharing my sweat and my fear.
    We were lucky. We climbed into the boat to life -- one mother, one child, one diaper, one shoe. For 14 days and 14 moon-lit
    nights I journeyed, looking into the sea and watching bobbing heads coming up for breath, others sinking into the sea
    screaming. Exile to the sea was bittersweet. I was thankful to be alive and with my child, but much of my family was left
    behind. My father, a commander in the South Vietnamese Army, was in a wretched stink hole of a Viet Cong prison. He
    would spend 9 years there and upon release, died of cancer. My brothers were both dead, one by the hand of the enemy,
    the other by his own hand. The fate of my husband, my mother, my sisters -- all unknown.

    Exile to the sea could not wash away the scars. I turned my back to the war and to my home. Six weeks later, carried by
    hope and grit, I entered upon a miracle, the shores of California. I climbed out of that boat and hit the ground running.
    Again. I wanted to be sure I would not again be displaced. My life was lost behind in a tortured land of carnage,
    brokenness, and decayed dreams. I had my child to keep me alive by knowing I needed to keep him alive. I was then and
    am today, a survivor. But at times I feel the guilt of surviving. I would spend my life proving that I was worthy of it.

    My art reflects my journey and the journey of the people of the 20th and 21st centuries. It reflects the woundedness of
    us all. -- Huong, 2007

    Huong's Art Website

    "My art reflects my
    journey and the journey
    of the people of the
    20th and 21 centuries.
    It reflects the
    woundedness of
    us all."-- Huong

    About the Peace Mural
    While Huong’s paintings capture every consequence of war, so does The Peace Mural. It exposes the consequences of war
    in all its nakedness—the “collateral damage” also known as human beings. It was imperative that she bring the public into
    the art itself. It is about their lives too.

    This monumental project has multiple themes: peace, war, Voices of Children dead or alive, the Voices of the troops,
    Mothers in war, the Peace of all Nations, the Flag at War, the Displaced, the Orphaned and the Refugees, the Disabled the
    Tortured. It is a combined effort. Each participant adds his or her own experience and ideology and, in turn, is also
    shaped by the dialogue. How they see it and what they bring forth is at the core of contemplating war and "thinking peace."

    Huong has been invited by many people around the country to bring this mural so that people can sign on for peace and make
    a difference. Just imagine if this mural could travel to every state, have a place to set up and encourage the citizens of
    our country to write their thoughts and beliefs, and to add their art to that of others. We could have a mural to embrace
    our country, our mandate for Peace.

    “For me, as long as
    there is war, Vietnam
    will never be over.
    President Bush said on
    9/11 that the global war
    on terror was "the
    inescapable calling of
    our generation." I
    believe the inescapable
    calling of our generation
    is Peace.
    It’s our choice.
    -- Huong

    artobiographical work
    creates a venue for
    dialogue to talk about
    issues of war and
    -- Sandi Wicina,
    Curator, Museum of War & Peace

  2. # ADS
    Circuit publicitaire
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  3. #2
    Passionné du Việt Nam Avatar de BEBE
    Date d'inscription
    août 2007
    1 029

    Par défaut


    Nearly 15 years in the making, Huong’s Peace Mural is the culmination of searing memories that brings history to life and depicts the universal pain of war and hope for peace. The complete mural includes nearly 2000 paintings. When fully presented, the mural stands 8' feet tall and 600 feet long. Exhibition of the mural often includes a number of free-standing pieces from Huong's private war/peace collection. The combined presentation captures highly evocative images and concepts depicting multiple themes including: Voices of Children; Voices of the Troops; Mothers in War; The Peace of all Nations; The Flag at War; The Displaced and the Disabled; The Cry of Refugees; and The Tortured.

    Far more than simply an exhibition of art, the Peace Mural is highly interactive and participatory as it evokes civic engagement and calls forth from viewers a response through reflection, dialogue and civic action. Viewers are invited to “sign on” for peace by adding their own thoughts and comments to panels scattered throughout the mural. Exhibitions are typically accompanied with a series of community dialogues, educational events, artistic presentations and public actions. Most of these sidebar events take place on site at the exhibition and are sponsored by a variety of local partner organizations. The mural is both deeply spiritual and politically reflective as it calls forth citizen and community response. But most of all, it resonates a challenge and hope for peace in ways that only art can do. It inspires, it disturbs, and evokes personal responsibility. The Peace Mural is an expression of “people’s art” as it informs and shapes civil society and stimulates vibrant participatory democracy.

    The Peace Mural Foundation: Artist Huong has now given custody of her Peace Mural to The Peace Mural Foundation, Inc, a non-profit organization with a mission "to promote civic education and citizen action for peace and justice through the arts." The Foundation is currently preparing to launch major exhibitions in
    WASHINGTON DC and New York City in the coming months, and welcomes opportunities to collaborate with other organizations to bring the Peace Mural to university campuses and communities across the United States. More About the Peace Mural Foundation

    About Huong: A young journalist at the time of the Vietnam War, Huong climbed aboard one of the last refugee boats before the fall of Saigon, wearing only one shoe and carrying her infant son in arms. She first settled in Alaska where she swapped her pen for a brush in an effort to”paint out” the passions within her. Eventually she launched an art career that has captured the attention of art audiences and critics internationally. Not unlike Picasso’s own war protest painting Guernica, Huong’s paintings collectively form a body of work addressing the global issues of war and peace. Through hundreds of painted canvases, the Peace Mural is a symbol of Huong’s determination to purge our culture from the ways of war and to advance an emerging culture of peace. More About Huong

    Some of Huong's Works:
    The War Pieces
    The Peace Pieces
    Let's Think Peace
    The Flag at War

  4. #3
    Passionné du Việt Nam Avatar de BEBE
    Date d'inscription
    août 2007
    1 029

    Par défaut

    quelques uns de sa riche collection....c'est beau et triste..
    visitez sa gallerie

  5. #4
    Le Việt Nam est fier de toi Avatar de Bao Nhân
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2005
    En seine Saint-Denis
    5 370

    Par défaut

    Merci BEBE !

    Apparemment, j'aime bien son style.

    Bảo Nhân : fascination, impression and passion

  6. #5
    Le Việt Nam est fier de toi Avatar de Ti Ngoc
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2007
    6 121

    Par défaut

    Merci BEBE pour l'info,

    j'aime bien les couleurs de ses toiles!

  7. #6
    Avatar de mike
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2005
    Côte d'Azur, France

    Par défaut

    Merci BEBE pour cette découverte..

    Pour répondre à ta question, non, je ne connaissais pas...

    En tout cas, très sympa ces œuvres..

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